This article outlines the various account setups we offer, empowering host agencies to choose the option that best fits their needs.
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Access to host agency payment details |
No access to host agency payment details |
User access to main account:
- Your travel agents can be added as users, allowing access to the main account for bookings.
- Whether using the in-portal system or the main account link, this option ensures quick and hassle-free bookings.
- Tracking: in this setup, tracking of individual agent's bookings is not possible.
Host agency payment details access: for this setup, agents have full access to payment details and invoices.
For this setup: please follow the instructions outlined in article: Edit account 101: password, user, notification, login details.
Individual account setup:
- Ensure coordination with us as your partners will need to enter your payment details in their Partner Portal.
- Tracking: in this setup, tracking of agent bookings is performed within the individual agent's account.
- Host agency payment details sharing: for this setup, host agencies will need to share payment details with their agents for successful commission payments.
For this setup: please follow the instructions outlined in article: Signing up to the GetYourGuide Partner Program
Unique agent link setup:
- Opt for a unique agent link, creating a dedicated booking channel for your individual agents.
- This streamlined approach ensures tracking of your agents' bookings, with commissions paid to the main account. Access to the main account and details is restricted.
- Tracking: in this setup, tracking can be differentiated between agents through the campaign analytics report. To understand and interpret this report effectively, follow the instructions provided in this article: Understanding the right metrics
- For this setup: contact our partner support specialists with the following information:
- The number of travel agents at your agency who will be booking, or
- an Excel spreadsheet containing a list of individual agents along with any specific identifier you would like to use for them.
Unique links creation and distribution to agents: we will generate unique links for each travel agent and send them back to the Agency Owner/Manager for distribution. Here is an example of what it would look like:
Booking options agents can:
- use their unique link for direct bookings.
- provide their unique link to clients, enabling them to make direct bookings.
- Commission payout: commissions go to the main agency's bank account.
General partner link:
- Each travel agent account gets one special link for easy sharing. The cookie attached to this link tracks all bookings straight to the main account.
- Tracking: in this setup, you can't track individual agents' bookings.
- Access to the main account and details is restricted.
- For a comprehensive understanding of how the cookie operates in this context, please refer to the detailed information provided in the article: How does the tracking work?
- For this setup: you can find the link to share on the top right corner of the partner portal:
In summary, the array of account setups discussed in this article offers flexibility tailored to your agency's needs. We're committed to supporting you along the way, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional travel experiences to your clients.
For deeper insights, explore article: Bookings reports 101 for interpreting booking reports and article: Booking 101: How to book TA for diverse booking process options.